
In this inspiring masterpiece, bestselling author Susan Cain shows the power of ‘bittersweetness’ – a tendency toward sorrow and longing, an acute awareness of passing time, and a piercing joy when beholding beauty. But what are the powers of a bittersweet, melancholic outlook? she asks. And why has our culture been so blind to its value? Bittersweetness recognises that light and dark, birth and death – bitter and sweet – are forever paired. As ‘Bittersweet’ shows, our obsession with happiness is not making us happy, healthy, or whole. It’s only by embracing our darker emotions – as well as the light – that we discover our deepest meaning and connection, love and joy. It can change the way we work, the way we create and the way we love – for it is the hidden source of our love stories, moonshots and masterpieces.

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